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Random thoughts after prayer

Random thoughts after prayer

Postby The Revanchist » December 10th, 2007, 7:51 am

Here are some random thoughts that ran through my mind recently after praying. Please tell me what you think, but remember that it was written at midnight.

Jesus left Heaven
The Christmas tree point up (“all good things come from above” refers to Heaven being “up”

Jesus’ blood washes whiter than snow
My Christmas tree is white
Jesus’ life brought light to the world
My Christmas tree lights up the room.
Jesus said “I am the Vine and you are the branches.”
The parts of my Christmas tree only have meaning when put together
Jesus remains constant. “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
The lights on my Christmas tree shine constantly-even though they’re supposed to blink on and off.
At the feet of Jesus, we find mercy, love, and forgiveness.
At the foot of the Christmas tree, we find presents.

Why do we give gifts at Christmas? The wise men brought gifts to Jesus. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, all symbolic of His kingship and his death, but also very expensive. No gift was too great to give to the King of Kings, no expense was spared the gifts probably helped Jesus and his family survive.

But is this the only reason? Or does it also reflect upn the fact that God gave us a present? God sent his Son to Earth. Again, “Jesus left Heaven.” God loved us so much, he sent his only son that we might have Eternal Life.

But God’s gift came not only with a price tag, but with a risk. The price tag was that God’s son would die. In addition to leaving His Throne, where He lived as a King, Jesus entered our world where he lived as a poor traveling Preacher, knowing full well that he would be mocked, tortured, and executed. The risk was that He had to be absolutely perfect, or it was all for naught. If Jesus sinned, not only would we never have a chance at true salvation, not only would we never get to Heaven, but neither would Jesus. God would effectively lose his son. How can a perfect land with a perfect king allow imperfection in? And how, if the law was changed to allow imperfection in, could more imperfection be kept out? Hell would not only have infiltrated Heaven and established a Beachead, but would have won the war!

Also, there are those who say Jesus, not the Father, actually created the Universe. If this is the case, then it is likely also Jesus who maintains the universe. But how can an imperfect Creator maintain the Creation? The Entire Creation was put at risk.

And it’s all because of Love. “So much for love,” the White Witch said, but this is because the Enemy does not understand love. God took a huge risk, and it paid off marvelously. The Enemy didn’t understand God’s love, and thus did not see the danger until it was too late. In killing Jesus, Satan actually helped Christ accomplish his goal. In landing the knockout blow, Satan lost the match. It is like a sacrifice bunt in Baseball. The batter is out, but the winning score comes in.

Christian means “Christ-like one-” one who is like Christ.

Christ gave up everything and put everything on the line for us. If we are to be like Christ, how can we do different? We must give up everything to follow Christ and to spread his word. Comfort, money, respectability, anything and everything. Nothing matters beyond the Call of Christ, and that call is to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer was right. “Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our church.” People have lost sight of the fact that to follow Christ means sacrifice and loss, but you gain far more than you lose.

Here is another way the Christmas tree points to God. My blue lights wind around my tree. As light comes from God down to us, so my lights meet the tree at the top and wind to the bottom. In truth, I need another strand, but the light they give adds such beauty to my tree.
The Revanchist
Posts: 23
Joined: Dec 2007
Location: With Aslan

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