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There ain't no sanity clause

PostPosted: January 5th, 2009, 10:16 pm
by postodave
St. Nick like many saints had a remarkable posthumous career. The three balls outside a pawn shop honour him as a symbol of help in times of need - based on the story of the three sisters - however I am fairly sure there would have been no chimney involved - later, pictures depicting this miracle were reinterpreted as the bags of gold looked like heads the story grew up that he had resurrected three boys whose heads had been pickled in brine. He is associated with many stories of rescue at sea and one of these is depicted in a window of our cathedral in Lincoln. Benjamin Britten wrote a cantata about him. Later still in the USA he is combined with a Norse god of plenty to become Santa Claus.

Re: Santa Claus --> God

PostPosted: January 24th, 2009, 10:47 am
by hammurabi2000
Good topic this one - I posted on this in 2003. My view is that there s a linkage between the two. Teach young children about Santa and tell him he is true and then do the same about God. One would think it likely that if you later tell them that one is not true will they not come to suspect all statements are untrue. Or do they do that as teenagers anyway with everything?

Re: Santa Claus --> God

PostPosted: January 28th, 2009, 3:26 am
by splashen
I voted the "other,' so I have to explain:

I believe in God. Santa Clause is based on an actual Saint--St. Nicholas, & hence a servant of the One True God.