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C.S. Lewis and his work

The man. The myth.

C.S. Lewis and his work

Postby Ishi » February 5th, 2006, 3:08 pm

I have a school project about C.S. Lewis and his work, mostly The Chronicles of Narnia, and what still fasinates us after 50 years. I am grateful for all views on this case and will be looking forward to reading your ideas and thoughts.


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re: C.S. Lewis and his work

Postby A#minor » February 6th, 2006, 2:20 am

You ought to do your own homework, but I'll tell you what fascinates me about Lewis' writing.

I think that what children (and adults) find so engaging in CON is that it doesn't throw the moral in their face; it makes them want a moral and find it for themselves.
It doesn't tell you what to feel about a character; it makes you feel it.
His stories tell themselves and then let you decide how to accept them. Not like some stories that insist on being loved or take great pains to be thought interesting, and only end up being boring and unmoving.
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re: C.S. Lewis and his work

Postby Gill » February 9th, 2006, 4:00 pm

It's a never ending story.
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