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Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you away

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 6:05 pm
by Danny
I avoided reading "The Space Trilogy" for a long time because I had an aversion to reading science fiction (I confess watching Star Trek in the late 70's after school each day, as religiously as anyone). When I finally got to the Trilogy it went down like the freshest of water. I look forward to some time in the future when I might have an extended period to re-read these three without much interruption.

We never know what we're missing.[/quote]

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 7:43 pm
by David

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 9:20 pm
by Erekose
my own encounter with The Space Trilogy is rather a long and winding story.

In a nut shell, I knew that my Mom had the Space Trilogy at one time, but with the Attic being in a Much Cluttered condition there was the possibility that they had gone to the Great Book Shop in the Market many many moons ago during the Great Sort.

However a few months ago I came across them, and read them.

On reading them there was a vague sense of familiarity, and with That Hideous Strength there was a "fore-knowledge" that mr Bultitude was a bear even before it was actually revealled.

So I suspect that in the days of my youth I had actually read them, and their memory had become submerged amongst the other things I read.

As to an "expected" genre of Science Fiction, the Trilogy encompases quite a broad spectrum of what makes up SF.

Although I suppose a discussion on what is SF should probably be on in the books/films thread, I think I'd say that SF encompases the concept of "park your brain outside and enjoy the action" style (aka Star Bores, Buck Rogers, Dan Dare etc) to the "consider the conundrums that new technology/new experiences would present" (aka Perry Rhodan, Eye in the Sky, Wolfbane, Robot Series etc etc).

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 11th, 2006, 8:18 pm
by Monica

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 11th, 2006, 8:28 pm
by Erekose

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 2:07 am
by Monica

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 2:41 am
by carol

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 7:12 am
by Erekose

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 1:45 pm
by Monica

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 2:30 pm
by Stanley Anderson

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 3:01 pm
by Monica

Re: re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep y

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 6:24 pm
by Erekose

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 7:46 pm
by BeeLayne

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 12th, 2006, 10:39 pm
by carol

re: Did the notion of a "Space Trilogy" keep you a

PostPosted: May 16th, 2006, 12:23 am
by Messenger_of_Eden