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Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 26th, 2006, 11:23 am
by jo
I just finished a reread of TWHF, wonderful book. One thing struck me that has struck me before though, ie that the names - of people and places - are all coarse and sort of 'clunky' if that makes any sense. Orual, Redival, Glome, Ansit, Bardia, Batta. Not attractive. I presume that this is intentional as Lewis shows in the Narnia books that he is perfectly capable of thinking up beautiful and imaginative names. Why is it done though? Is it to highlight the barbarity of Glome, that even its words have no beauty?

re: Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 26th, 2006, 5:28 pm
by A#minor

Re: Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 26th, 2006, 5:50 pm
by Monica

Re: Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 26th, 2006, 7:01 pm
by JSD

re: Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 26th, 2006, 9:06 pm
by jo
Interesting .. idon't see names like Tinluviel, Aslan, Simlaril etc as being anything at all like the names that are used in TWHF. I see ALL of them as being, as I said 'clunkly'.. words that jar on the ear. I don't see any of the previous names as being like that .. i see them as being fluid and beautiful. I can't, off the top of my head, think of any beautiful names in TWHF but that could be my own prejudice because I decided that I wasn't GOING to see beauty in the names.

Re: Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 27th, 2006, 11:24 am
by David

re: Names in Till We Have Faces

PostPosted: July 27th, 2006, 11:51 am
by jo