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TWHF on stage... help...?

PostPosted: June 12th, 2007, 5:07 am
by confusian
Hi all,

I'm going to be producer for a student-run stage production sometime early next year. And I would like to do TWHF!

I've been visiting this forum for some time, though I've never registered and posted (until a month ago when I asked if anyone knows where I could find a script). TWHF is an immense story, and it would be a gigantic task to say the least to try to put it on stage (think... appearing and disappearing castle for starters). I think I'd really appreciate any help and advice on this, and what better place than to appeal for such help than in this forum. As such, please pardon me for having only said hi and posted on this forum (and community) only when the need arose. (uh... hi everyone! *waves shyly*)

Currently, my friends and I are trying to write a script from scratch, and it is proving to be a very exciting experience to say the least! TWHF is such an enormous novel, we had to spend two whole days just to write out the events of the story and note down the significant events and meanings in every chapter. This was so that we could decide which were the main themes in the story we wanted to explore and flesh out properly in the play. Then we had to spend another two more days to think about how we could arrange the scenes so that the story unfolds itself logically (since the novel is essentially a flashback, this proved to be quite a massive headache).

Right now, we've completed a rough outline of how the story will proceed on stage, and I'm writing scene 1 at the moment. And the two main themes we've decided to dwell on for this production will be the trilemma and Orual's love/hate relationship with Psyche.

I would love to involve fellow CS Lewis fans in this project that I'm undertaking, and the script turns out well, we might even put up a copy of the final script for everyone to read, and perhaps, use, if someday there's a chance that someone else may want to do TWHF for a stage production.

Hence, I've got a few requests at the moment:

1) Does anyone know it is a copyright infringement for me to write and produce a play on TWHF? If so, who are the authorities I should approach to get permission to do this from? Is it Douglas Gresham?

2) I will find a way to share the ongoing script with everyone here... please do give your critiques or opinions on what's being written so far.

3) Any other advice would also be very much appreciated!



PostPosted: June 12th, 2007, 7:47 pm
by Sven

PostPosted: June 13th, 2007, 2:19 am
by confusian
Oh my goodness! Are you kidding me???

I live in Singapore!

I come from the National University of Singapore. And my hall of residence is King Edward VII Hall.

Singapore is a paradoxical nation, where we are 'multi-racial' on paper, but mostly chinese (70+%) Chinese in reality. And yet, many of the Chinese in Singapore actually speak and write English much better than they can speak and write Chinese... people like me...

Sad sometimes, but most of the times, fascinating I suppose.


PostPosted: June 13th, 2007, 4:04 am
by confusian
Oh my, CS Lewis Pte Ltd is very elusive indeed...

I can't seem to find any leads on their contact... if they're going to be vigorous in enforcing the copyrights of CS Lewis' works, shouldn't they be a little more visible...?


PostPosted: June 14th, 2007, 12:11 am
by Paul F. Ford
You might want to consult for information about the one-woman dramatization of Till We Have Faces. It was acclaimed out here in California.


Eager to Help

PostPosted: June 17th, 2007, 1:43 am
by friendofaslan
Wow! Lives will be touched and impacted by your efforts.

We welcome the drafts of your script and will be praying for guidance and inspiration as well as copyright permission.

Please feel free to let us be your test audience.

I'll start rereading TWHF. :read:

PostPosted: June 17th, 2007, 12:35 pm
by confusian

PostPosted: June 17th, 2007, 10:30 pm
by Aava

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2007, 1:05 pm
by confusian

PostPosted: November 12th, 2007, 12:33 am
by nomad