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lewis did he lose faith after his wife's death

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 10:56 pm
by bob
did c.s lewis really lose faith after the death of his wife? :rolleyes:

re: lewis did he lose faith after his wife's death

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 11:01 pm
by A#minor
No, he struggled with some difficult emotions and thoughts, as is to be expected, but he did not lose his belief in God.
Read A Grief Observed, which are his thoughts after Joy's death.
We have had this question before

re: lewis did he lose faith after his wife's death

PostPosted: January 14th, 2006, 5:17 am
by Basilides
Think of it this way: if Faith is the way by which we see God and His works, much like the lens of your eye, then the loss of his beloved Joy was like the blurring of Lewis' vision for a time, the lens of faith overcome with the tears of grief. But though tears may occlude the lens of faith for a time, they also wash it of false pretensions, and when they have dried the lens of faith is clearer than before.

As "A Grief Observed" relates, Lewis' grief was so severe (because his love was so intense and Joy was such a shining soul) that his faith was intensely blurred by grief. And, in keeping with the above analogy, his faith was afterward almost telescopic in quality, humble and quite clear.

re: lewis did he lose faith after his wife's death

PostPosted: January 14th, 2006, 5:44 am
by Tony