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re: Discussion of Paul F. Ford's review

PostPosted: January 14th, 2006, 4:59 am
by Basilides
Since I first saw the movie, many of the thoughts expressed here have crossed my mind at one time or another. I too wish Professor Kirke was portrayed in a manner more in keeping with the book. I winced a little at the Father Christmas scene when the children were being given credit for Aslan's work. Etc Etc.


The question is, did the movie capture the "reminders of joy" which enraptures the souls of those who read the book? I think it does. It does for those of us who are fans of the book because it reminds us of the "deeper magic" of Lewis' writing and the story which has so influenced us. This is evidenced by the fact that we keep finding things in the movie that we wish were closer to Lewis' pen. If the movie was a wholesale departure with none of Lewis' signposts, we wouldn't bother to suggest tune-ups.

For those who have never read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, well, for many of them Lewis' success at reflecting joy does leak through the screen. I have heard as much through the sobs and tears of grown men. I have heard it in the awed voice of my own mother. For me, that is enough.