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Why homosexuality?

Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby alecto » September 25th, 2006, 10:30 pm

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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Karen » September 25th, 2006, 10:52 pm

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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Adam » September 26th, 2006, 1:58 am

Last edited by Adam on September 26th, 2006, 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Adam » September 26th, 2006, 2:05 am

"Love is the only art that poorly imitates nature."
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re: Why homosexuality?

Postby WolfVanZandt » September 26th, 2006, 2:52 am

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re: Why homosexuality?

Postby alecto » September 26th, 2006, 2:56 am

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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Adam » September 26th, 2006, 3:08 am

"Love is the only art that poorly imitates nature."
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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby alecto » September 26th, 2006, 3:14 am

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re: Why homosexuality?

Postby WolfVanZandt » September 26th, 2006, 3:38 am

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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Adam » September 26th, 2006, 3:56 am

"Love is the only art that poorly imitates nature."
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re: Why homosexuality?

Postby WolfVanZandt » September 26th, 2006, 4:17 am

Adam, what seems to be emotional outbursts, indicate that you apparently do have vested interests.

Actually your nonacceptance of the scripture does not indicate that you reject God - it simply indicates that you reject the God that is revealed by the Bible.

Your cases aren't parallel. A homosexual must reject the scripture in order to maintain a sense of righteousness, a Therian who is rejected by a church that preaches against Therianism (and it certainly has happened, thankfully, not to me) only has to reject tradition. As it is, the Bible isn't counter to Therianism (as it is to homosexuality), nor is Augustinian doctrine (he claimed the position in The City of God, that if the Cynocephalids, who were the same Therians mentioned by Herodotus in his Histories, existed at all, they existed by the will of God and were, at least in origin, good) (I wonder what Augustine thought of homosexuality), and I have noticed general acceptance by the Eastern Orthodox church. On the other hand, there are traditions (the Catholic, for instance) that have shown quite a lot of antagonism toward us, and, of course, they have quite a lot of extraBiblical tradition - although I've never seen any recorded tradition that would explain the antagonism - I have reason to believe that it was political.
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re: Why homosexuality?

Postby WolfVanZandt » September 26th, 2006, 4:27 am

BTW, Adam, I am 53 years old, I haven't been stuck in a backwater for all of my life (in fact, the town where I spent the first 10 years of life was rather large), and my IQ has been scaled as high as 165. I don't fit your stereotypical characterisation. If I don't, I think it fair to assume that there are lots of others out there that don't.
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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Adam » September 26th, 2006, 4:29 am

"Love is the only art that poorly imitates nature."
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Re: re: Why homosexuality?

Postby Adam » September 26th, 2006, 4:33 am

"Love is the only art that poorly imitates nature."
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re: Why homosexuality?

Postby WolfVanZandt » September 26th, 2006, 5:12 am

That's a good question and I'll try to handle it - it's not easy because some of the elements of the scenerio do not reflect reality and it's hard to say what I would do in an unreal situation. BUt first, let's clarify - it's not that the church says that homosexuality is wrong - it's that the Bible itself says that homosexuality is wrong - and I also feel sorry for them. I wish it wasn't so.

Now, l can only say how I would react. So let my try to disclose some of myself here. I don't primarily reverence the Bible. I reverence the Holy Spirit and from that relationship only, I reverence the Bible. In other words, the Holy Spirit causes me to reverence the Bible.

When I say that I'm Wolf, it's not something that's an issue, it's simply a statement of what I am. It's not a fighting point. I don't really care about what other peope thin, but because I'm dismissive, but simply because it's a moot point. It's simply not an issue.

I'm literally very canine in my mentality so lets talk about dogs for a minute. A shepherd's dog is devoted to his shepherd. (Therians were once called the Dogs of God, Saint Peter's Wolves and The Shepherd's Dogs). There have been a lot of working dogs that have been abused by their masters - that doesn't seem to change their devotion. If you notice, an alpha wolf can seem pretty tyranical toward a low caste submissive. The relationship isn't abusive as it seems. I suspect that an abused working dog is more confused about their relationship with their master than they are resentful and that alows them to maintain their devotion.

If a shepherd told a dog, "It's bad to a dog. Stop it." the dog would gaze at him in rapt, but vacuous, devotion and, in essence, say, "Okay, whatdoya want me to do? I'm ready."

Peer pressure has never had much affect on me. It would be very difficult for the church to convince me that there is a problem with Therianism. I don't know if that's a possible scenerio.

God, now, would be another matter. God is, in essence, my alpha. I can't ignore Him. If God pointed at me and said,"It's bad to be a Therian." I would have no idea how to react, I doubt if it would even register as something I could grasp. I would simply continue in my devotion.

On the other hand, if He said, "Stop acting like a Wolf. You're irritating me!" I would do my dead level best to try to do that.

Now let's switch back to homosexuality. God doesn't tell people not to be homosexual - not in the modern sense of the word. David and Johnathan would be considered homosexual by modern standards, but there's no Biblical inication that they ever did the one thing that constitutes Biblical homosexuality - they didn't have sex. the only thing I can see that the Bible states is "Stop doing that [sexual intercourse between like gender], it irritates me." So the Bible is not telling people what not to be (n this case), it's telling them waht not to do.

And, frankly, I can't see sexual intercourse as a requisite for love. The idea of "You can't tell me who to love and who not to love," is irrlavent to the topic of sexual intercourse. When gays reject God because of their determination to have sex, their doing so because they don't want to give up a recreation - a very powerful recreation, for sure, but a recreation, nevertheless.

And what do they give up? The Creator of the universe that's wllling to be totally devoted to them, eternal life, eternal joy and peace, a stronger bond with their loves than anything sexual intercourse could produce. You're very right - I feel sorry for them.
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