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What's Your Theological Worldview?

Re: re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby Karen » April 22nd, 2006, 6:26 pm

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby Adam Linton » April 22nd, 2006, 9:10 pm

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby Authur » April 24th, 2006, 9:13 am

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby Puddleglee » May 25th, 2006, 11:44 am

You scored as Emergent/Postmodern

You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this.

Emergent/Postmodern 89%
Classical Liberal 71%
Modern Liberal 68%
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 68%
Roman Catholic 57%
Neo orthodox 54%
Charismatic/Pentecostal 43%
Reformed Evangelical 21%
Fundamentalist 4%

I'm a bit worried at how high my RC score is! I knew I shouldn't have scored Mary so high :rolleyes: But I agree with the overall conclusion.
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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby bekados » May 25th, 2006, 12:10 pm

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby soul101 » May 25th, 2006, 12:36 pm

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 86%
Charismatic/Pentecostal 75%
Fundamentalist 75%
Neo orthodox 64%
Emergent/Postmodern 54%
Classical Liberal 43%
Reformed Evangelical 39%
Modern Liberal 25%
Roman Catholic 14%

I'd say the top 3 or 4 are about right... but the questions required very emotionally charged answers... difficult to answer honestly...
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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby bekados » May 25th, 2006, 12:56 pm

That's interesting, soul101. I did not find the questions emotionally charged at all. Maybe that corresponds to our differing views?
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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby soul101 » May 25th, 2006, 1:06 pm

Most probably. But for example, question one "Do you believe homosexuality is one of the worst sins?" well, I personally don't grade sin (it's all just as bad), so i disagree, however I think it is a sin that the bible calls "abominable," so i agree... remember that if i answer "disagree" it would put me on the liberal end, however if i agree, it puts me way too far on the fundamentalist end to be truthful... oh well, it came out alright in the end i guess...
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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby bekados » May 25th, 2006, 1:35 pm

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby soul101 » May 25th, 2006, 1:40 pm

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby WolfVanZandt » May 26th, 2006, 3:30 am

And the Evaluator throws in.....

Most tests are like that but, if this one is standardized (and I'm not assuming that it is), it really doesn't matter. You see, it's not the questions that are asked but how people answer them and that has more to do with how they "feel" about the items (that's why it's usually best to use your first answer and not think too much about the questions).

In a standardized test, a large pool of questions are used to start with and statistics are used to weed out the items that do not differentiate well between different groups of people. Then the statistics for the remaining items are worked out - so you're not responding to the questions as much a you're responding to the norms. In other words, it's less important how you answered the items as it is how you answered in comparison to the way others answered.
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Re: re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby bekados » May 26th, 2006, 3:50 am

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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby WolfVanZandt » May 26th, 2006, 4:31 am

Okay, now you've caused me to go and get another career.


But I don't think I'd put it that way. Think of a very simple example. In order to probe the real world quantity of temperature, you use a thermometer. That thermometer had to be calibrated. When a kid is playing with a chemistry set, he calibrates his homemade thermometer by submerging it in boiling water (that gives him his 100° mark and then he submerges it in ice water to get a 0° mark. Laboratory thermometers ae calibrated using much more exacting procedures.

The process of norming a standardized test is simply another form of calibrating - of making the results conform to known real world standards. If the sample is a good one, and test developers go to great pains to make sure that they have good (representative and large) samples, then the test isn't relative to the norm group but, to some very high degree of certainty, to any member of the group to be tested. (The groups that are appropriate fora test are specified in the test manuals).

Now, if this test isn't well standardized, then it is "postmodern". because it is only "good" relative to the norm group that was used in it's development and it would not be valid for any other people.
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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby Kanakaberaka » May 27th, 2006, 12:34 am

so it goes...
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re: What's Your Theological Worldview?

Postby rusmeister » May 27th, 2006, 3:01 am

"Eh? Two views? There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one."
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