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Pregnancy from rape

re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby jo » September 25th, 2006, 7:52 pm

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Re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Amy » September 25th, 2006, 9:01 pm

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Re: re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Amy » September 25th, 2006, 9:03 pm

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. ~Will Rogers
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Messenger_of_Eden » September 26th, 2006, 12:11 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby *~Diamond in the Rough~* » September 26th, 2006, 1:51 am

I totally agree with Messy on the whole pregnancy from rape issue. Kudos my friend. Well said. :pleased:

On the topic of the dealth penalty...

The Old Testament law commanded the death penalty for various acts: murder (Exodus 21:12), kidnapping (Exodus 21:16), bestiality (Exodus 22:19); adultery (Leviticus 20:10); homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13), being a false prophet (Deuteronomy 13:5), prostitution (Leviticus 21:9) and rape (Deuteronomy 22:24-25), and several other crimes. However, God often showed mercy when the death penalty was due. David committed adultery and murder, yet God did not demand his life be taken (2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-17; 2 Samuel 12:13). Ultimately, each and every sin we commit should result in the death penalty (Romans 6:23). Thankfully, God demonstrates His love for us in not condemning us (Romans 5:8).

When the Pharisees brought a woman who was caught in the act of adultery to Jesus and asked Him if she should be stoned, Jesus replied, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her" (John 8:7). This should not be used to indicate that Jesus rejected capital punishment in all instances. Jesus was simply exposing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. The Pharisees wanted to trick Jesus into breaking the Old Testament Law...they truly did not care about the woman being stoned (where was the man who was caught in adultery?) God was the One who instituted capital punishment: "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man" (Genesis 9:6). Jesus supported capital punishment in some instances but also demonstrated grace when capital punishment was due. The Apostle Paul definitely recognized the power of the government to institute capital punishment where appropriate.

So, basically, we are back to where we started. God allows capital punishment. But at the same time, God does not always demand the death penalty when it is due. we must remember that God has instituted capital punishment in His Word; therefore, it would be presumptuous of us to think that we could institute a higher standard than He or be more kind than He. God has the highest standard of any being since He is perfect. This standard applies not only to us but to Himself. Therefore, He loves to an infinite degree, and He has mercy to an infinite degree. We also see that He has wrath to an infinite degree, and it is all maintained in a perfect balance.

As Christians (and I am aware not all of us here in the wardrobe are) we must recognize that God has given the government the authority to determine when capital punishment is due. It is unbiblical to claim that God opposes the death penalty in all instances. Christians should never rejoice when the death penalty is employed, but at the same time, Christians should not fight against the government's right to execute the perpetrators of the most evil of crimes.
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby jo » September 26th, 2006, 9:32 am

MOE, I don't mean to derail the thread but you DID say you were anti death penalty :). You said that God was the one who gave life and took it away. If that is the case before birth, it must surely be the case at death too?

BTW, I don't appreciate either, MOE, than whenever you're called on something you accuse people of 'baiting' you and back away. You don't have to debate, but I am not 'baiting' you, I am pointing out inconsistencies in your arguments. If someone says that God is the only person to give or take life, that to me is an unqualified assertion that the death penalty is wrong.

Diamond - I know that the bible and God appear to condone the death penalty in several places. It's something I find difficult because it goes against the idea of a loving God for me, but obviously I can't deny that those passages exist. However, i do think it's significant that Jesus never showed any indication that He supported death as a penalty.

(I can start a separate thread if anyone is keen to debate this)
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » September 26th, 2006, 11:33 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby jo » September 26th, 2006, 11:51 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby hana » September 27th, 2006, 3:05 am

King Saul's suicidal aid didn't fare too well. I can't think of another instance of suicide in Scripture. Anyone else? As far as positive examples of choosing to live in abominable circumstances, see the apostles. We're told that if we endure to the end, we'll be saved. If they can endure mental and physical torture, surely we can endure a rotten day.
Also, murder, by definition, is an illegal act of killing. Govt. execution takes place within the law (unless the govt. is corrupt and/or ignorant) . Whether or not the death penalty is morally justifiable is another issue. I agree with above poster that it is morally justifiable, but not always a moral necessity.[/i]
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » September 27th, 2006, 5:46 am

timendi causa est nescire
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Re: re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Karen » September 27th, 2006, 11:59 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby wingedllama » September 27th, 2006, 2:20 pm

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Re: re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Stanley Anderson » September 27th, 2006, 3:52 pm

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby jo » September 27th, 2006, 4:09 pm

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby hana » September 27th, 2006, 11:40 pm

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