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How should a Christian live?

Postby Lioba » August 10th, 2008, 10:23 am

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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby john » August 10th, 2008, 12:38 pm

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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby Ben2747 » August 10th, 2008, 3:09 pm

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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby JRosemary » August 10th, 2008, 3:23 pm

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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby john » August 10th, 2008, 3:46 pm

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Postby Lioba » August 10th, 2008, 4:09 pm

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Postby JRosemary » August 10th, 2008, 6:31 pm

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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby robsia » August 10th, 2008, 7:36 pm

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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby john » August 10th, 2008, 11:07 pm

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Postby Karen » August 10th, 2008, 11:27 pm

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Postby Lioba » August 11th, 2008, 8:19 am

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Postby robsia » August 13th, 2008, 9:14 pm

OK, so I'm watching this programme this evening on HDD. I shall annotate.


Apparently Britain is in trouble and we need more good Christian values like 'decency', 'respect' and 'moderation'.

No arguments from me so far, except the idea that these are exclusively Christian traits.

"Britain was built on Christian values" - beg to differ!! Britain has been around a LOT longer than Christianity. Ancient Britons were Celts and Druids.

Quote from one of those taking part "Christians! I would love to bring back burning them!"

One is a lap dancing witch with fake boobs who pays upwards of £500 for a pair of shoes.

And one is a lesbian.

Well, they've all gone to York Minster which is an incredibly beautiful cathedral. Good start. The Christian-burner won't even go in. All the rest are yawning through the service but they are irritated by the attitude of the Christian-burner, Martin.

On the crucifix - Martin says "What if Jesus came back right here right now - I think the last thing he'd want to see would be that!"" pointing to the effigy of Jesus' bleeding corpse stuck to the wall. Interesting point.

The pastor's take on the Bible - "Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth." - geddit!! B.I.B.L.E.

One of the mentors is taking Lara's lesbian art and lesbian erotica off her during the Christianification of her flat.

The lap dancer has all tarot and witchcraft stuff all over her flat - spell books and everything. All of that has to go of course. She's even got a magic wand! And a broomstick - for brushing away negativity apparently. Oh - she's crying - he's been telling her her beauty should come from within and she should not be concerned with her physical appearance. She has had self-esteem issues in the past and has had surgery to try to deal with this. She seems really nice actually and is very low. Oh and now he's telling that by making love with her partner for comfort after the ordeal, she has committed the sin of fornication. They're not taking any prisoners here.

Now we're with Kevin. Kevin has a girlfriend of 3 years who he cheats on on a regular basis. And he fancies the vicar. Who is a girl. A very attractive one at that.

The pastor is now telling them that they must not deliberately sin within the next three weeks. Nice if it were that easy. Martin's walked out on that one. No uncleanness, drunkenness, adultery, fornication, revelries and the like! No partying then.

Oh, now they're off to an abortion clinic. Apparently there is no evidence that a 24-week foetus would experience pain during an abortion! According to the nice lady who runs the clinic that is. Now they're watching videos of abortions and every single one of them is totally shocked - even the vehement pro-choicers.

Kevin is meeting up with another one of the mentors who, unknown to Kevin has made him an applointment to be tested for STDs. Kevin is laughing with shock but he doesn't want to do it. He goes through with the appt. But he won't give a sample to be tested. He lies at first and says he couldn't do one - but then fesses up. 'Man Thursday' comes up - Kevin goes out with his mates as usual. This is when he usually cops off with whichever girl he cheats on his girlfriend with that week. The pastor is getting him to make a covenant not to look lustfully at a girl. And not to get drunk. His mate makes a bet of £100 that he can't do it.

So far so good. He's got one chatting him up but he is being very good. Oh but he is having a drink now. And he's dancing. But now he's telling this pretty girl all about the whole Christian thing and the voice over guy is saying "Could Kevin be using his new found Christian status as a chat up ploy!"

2am - oops - Kevin is snogging some bird in a corner. he's trying to hide but the camera finds him. He blames the drink. He says if he hadn't had so many drinks he would have been able to resist.


Well, I enjoyed that programme - it was interesting and they found a few characters. The atheist family in the article were really quite dull - they showed them reading the bible together but that's all.
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Postby Tuke » August 14th, 2008, 6:24 pm

I haven't seen the show, but your narration puts me in mind of a modern remake of The Screwtape Letters only with the devils behind the scenes and off stage. :idea:
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Re: How should a Christian live?

Postby Ben2747 » August 28th, 2008, 8:21 pm

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Postby Larry W. » August 29th, 2008, 3:47 am

Isn't there a section of Lewis' Mere Christianity called "Christian Behavior"? I don't think Lewis was so much for correcting people as having them see an alternate path. He would have encouraged decency and moderation as a positive thing essential to Christianity, but he didn't attempt to force the lifestyle on people. Self-righteous Christians who constantly correct people would probably have irritated Lewis. He was a very humble Christian who saw the faith as something to explore on your own (with God's help) rather than something to be pushed into.

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