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Trusting in the "Fathers!"

Postby JRosemary » November 28th, 2008, 7:02 pm

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Re: Trusting in the "Fathers!"

Postby cyranorox » January 5th, 2009, 2:55 am

This is mainly to the OP and first few posts...

Tertullian is, emphatically, not St Tertullian. And the famous First Canon states that men shall NOT do to themselves after the manner of Origen, also not a saint. These are not the Fathers, although they were renowned thinkers and widely read and valued. My personal category for them, which I offer, is Uncles of the Church.

The first criterion for the books of the NT was that they be written by witnesses of the risen Christ. After that, they had to be honest, sane, clear, and demonstrate an understanding consistent with the faith of the Apostles and the community. That means that some excluded texts were by witnesses, so have true memories of Christ, but teach variant doctrine, or mix in fantasies, or distort the story to make a point - all the things of which Paul and the Evangelists are frequently accused in modern times.
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