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Christians that hate each other

re: Christians that hate each other

Postby Summer » April 13th, 2006, 6:50 pm

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re: Christians that hate each other

Postby Lirenel » April 13th, 2006, 8:51 pm

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re: Christians that hate each other

Postby Robin » April 14th, 2006, 5:00 am

I don't think saying bad things about the Adventists will fix anything either, my attitude towards my parents has been that they have a right to believe and practice as they do (I think Paul gives one the option regarding the Sabbath and food). I just wish they would give me the same respect I am willing to give. I have been to SDA churches where the people are very mellow and they concentrate on the essentials (ones's relationship with Christ) and I feel welcome there. In the same respect I am Catholic but I am not comfortable with many of my Church's beliefs (especially the superior attitude she sometimes takes). So I think we should see each other as followers of Christ and save all our energy and zeal towards reaching those who do not believe.
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Postby Fea_Istra » May 27th, 2007, 8:45 am

Robin, sometimes I feel this way too. It makes me so sad when Christians attack one another based on theology or style of worship, etc. I believe that faith in Jesus Christ makes us Christian, and if someone feels that God is leading them to a particular denomination, who am I to argue? Of course there are some denominations I don't agree with, but after reading Romans 14 I've realized that we have a responsibility in our dealings with others. I believe that Christians of all denominations are part of the Body and can all go to heaven, and I'm not going to 'convert them'. God is not limited to any denomination.

I hope the situation has improved since you last posted; this is an old thread...

My family is Orthodox Christian (most of my extended family members are atheists/agnostics though). I like a lot of things about Orthodoxy, but for the longest time I've felt drawn to the Protestant denominations. I tried to 'make myself' Orthodox, but no matter how much I tried my theology was just too Protestant (and still is). I visited a non denominational church in my area, several times, and really liked it. Many people there seemed committed to their faith and tried to care for one another and be loving (of course I found such people in the Orthodox church as well)...I agreed with what the pastor was teaching and enjoyed the (contemporary) worship music. Of course no church is perfect, but I felt closer to God there than in my parents' church... this made me sad, I was an 'unwilling' convert...haha... recently, I told my family about this. They were shocked, and didn't really I tried to explain my whole 'journey' to them, and now they are more understanding and are allowing me to go to whatever church I choose. Maybe you can try to talk it over with your family (without arguing)? I don't know what the situation is like for you.

What makes me really sad is when Christians make fun of other Christians. I've seen this happen across many different denominations. That's even worse than criticism, I think.

We should just love anyway, and hope that others would follow.

In the end, the only thing that would matter is sincere faith in Jesus and love for Him and for others. Not how much we fast, or how our church looks like, or whether or not we believe in election or free will, or both - we're all saved anyway! (not to undermine these topics, I'm all for discussing them!! It's just that sometimes, they can be a distraction).

And it definitely won't matter if we like Gregorian chants or Hillsongs.
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