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A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Plato to MacDonald to Chesterton, Tolkien and the Boys in the Pub.
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A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Postby Adam Linton » August 28th, 2005, 10:33 pm

For those -- shall we say? -- deeply invested:

Not counting either The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings, what would you say is your favorite Tolkien writing? (For me, by the way, without question, if one does count TLotR, that would be it.)

I would say (at least now), Tree and Leaf, which combines the essay "On Fairy Stories," Tolkien's outstanding presentation of his literary philosphy, along with "Leaf by Niggle," an allegory (a truly rare thing for Tolkien, as he wasn't fond of the form) which engagingly, almost hauntingly, considers the life's work of an artist. Tree and Leaf is readily and inexpensively available in paperback, included in The Tolkien Reader.
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Re: A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Postby Air of Winter » August 28th, 2005, 10:37 pm

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Postby Leslie » August 29th, 2005, 1:24 am

I like Smith of Wooton Major best. I owned a copy of that and Leaf by Niggle years ago in the same book, but it seems to be lost :cry: . I haven't been able to find Leaf by Niggle at the library, but I'll have a look for Tree and Leaf (I hope it's available in Canada).
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Postby A#minor » August 29th, 2005, 1:46 am

I would have to say that my favorite (excepting, of course, everyone's fave, LOTR) is the collection of poetry commonly titled, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. My favorite poem is the one whether the traveler marries a butterfly and builds her "a bed of thistle-down to nestle down and rest her in, filament of spider thread...he dressed her in..."
I get lost in the beautiful language. It simply rolls off the tongue.
Tolkien was such a genius with words.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » August 29th, 2005, 1:59 am


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Postby Sylvia Lee » September 9th, 2005, 4:49 pm

The Silmarillion, particularly the latter part having to do with Numenor and the beginning of the Third Age. I also love the first part, dealing with the creation of Arda and its development, of the births of Elves and Men, and the rise of Morgoth. And the romantic side of me thoroughly enjoys the tale of Beren and Luthien.

I also love The Father Christmas Letters; I think it's so adorable that Tolkien did that for his children, and the stories are so funny, I can just imagine the Tolkien children reading their letter from Santa on Christmas morning and grinning and giggling at the adventures of Polar Bear.
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Postby Adam Linton » September 9th, 2005, 6:33 pm

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Re: A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Postby mjmann » September 16th, 2005, 8:05 pm

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re: A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Postby Sarah N. » October 24th, 2005, 5:26 am

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Re: re: A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Postby A#minor » October 24th, 2005, 2:03 pm

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Re: re: A favorite Tolkien other than Hobbit or TLotR?

Postby mjmann » October 24th, 2005, 5:22 pm

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