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why a hobbit

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why a hobbit

Postby Simmer Jr » October 21st, 2005, 5:26 am

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re: why a hobbit

Postby Erekose » October 21st, 2005, 2:09 pm

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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Re: re: why a hobbit

Postby magpie » October 21st, 2005, 2:33 pm

"Love is the will to extend one's self in order to nurture one's own or another's spiritual growth."
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re: why a hobbit

Postby Erekose » October 21st, 2005, 2:39 pm

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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Re: re: why a hobbit

Postby Leslie » October 21st, 2005, 2:43 pm

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re: why a hobbit

Postby A#minor » October 21st, 2005, 3:52 pm

"My brain and this world don't fit each other, and there's an end of it!" - G.K. Chesterton
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re: why a hobbit

Postby Erekose » October 21st, 2005, 4:20 pm

But you're not going to like it...

First up.. remember there are basically the 3 races.. Elves, men and Dawrfs.

Orcs are elves excepted corrupted by Morgoth

Now Hobbits are unusual in that they just of appeared. They weren't there at the start, they aren't mentioned as part of the Music, they just sort of arrive after a while... So where did they come from?

now consider that greap "Pork Pie" as told by Gandalf.. (just one of those that he told). Not using his exact words he essentially told Thorin and the others that Bilbo would be of use because he was a Great thief (porky but that he could actually sneak in past Smaug!

Now its true, that when wearing the Ring, Bilbo was able to sneak past Smaug, except that Smaug was able to tell he was there, by his scent. In fact Smaug was somewhat off-put because the scent was "unfamiliar".. BUT.. a Dragon is jealous of his treasure. An unknown scent around his hoard would surely have triggered Smaug into a defensive rage.. but it didn't (at least not at first).. so why not?
The only reason has to be is that the scent was something that triggered , at least for a while, a certain familiarity.. NOT an unfamiliarity as Gandalf suggested.
but then.. why would Smaug regard the scent of a Hobbit as being something not to be "concerned" with? presumably because the scent of Hobbits was something that at one time a LONG time before hafd been usual.
Which in turn means that hobbits in their early past lived around or near Dragons.
Now since Dragons are the creatuires of Morgoth, this means that Hobbits must have been associated with Morgoth.
But hold on... Hobbits aren't evil.. are they?
Not intrinsically so.. but consider.. A Hobbit would appear to be an amalgam of 3 types.. Eleven love of nature, Dwarfish hardiness, and Human erm pig headedness. So.. what if Morgoth tried to create a "new" life by corrupting and amlgamating the qualities of the 3 races? but then disvcovered that what he had created was too... "simple"... and too hardy to tbe controlled or "bent" to his will.
As a result, with all his other problems, Hobbits just sort of drifted away from the Domain of Morgoth and came eventually to settle in the Shire.
But.. what else could support this?
Well also consider that the Hobbits are VERY resistant to the ring. Althiough there is a desire to possess it, it takes time for Bilbo to become "addicted" to it. It takes a quicker time before Frodo gets "addicted" but then he takes it closer to Sauron and Sam himself doesn't.. (although true he does only have it for a short time.. but also consider that Sam is the only person to actually TAKE the ring for himself without an ulterior motive and yes I know Frodo didn't.. but he had it forced upon him by the moral weight of the Council)

Ahh I hear you say.. Smeagol got corrupted VERY quickly didn't he? but DID he? What we basically have is a potted story told by Gandalf from what he himself had gleaned from various sources and even the warped muttering of Gollum himself. The actuall events of that tale could much more protracted and convoluted, being simplified by the waves of self-guilt suffered by Smeagol in the aftermath.

But.. why would Hobbits be so immune.. even if one assumes that they ARE "creations" of Morgoth? Well.. Sauron was an acolyte iof Morgoth, beholden to Him. So why couldn't Morgoth have invested his (ok failled) "super-creations" with the ability to withstand the entreaties and wiles of Sauron?

BUT, i hear you cry, why didn't gandalf explain this? Well... gandalf has a habit of telling porkies, and what would have been the effect of saying to the Council, "Oh I think the hobbits should take the ring because being descended from creations of Morgoth they can stand up to Sauron much much better than any of us"?

So.. there you have it.. Hobbits can carry the ring better because they were an abject failure as a creation by Morgoth

/me awaits the Great Outcry against this Great Heresy

/me also wonders where the other Great Rings of invisibilty are.. and who made them... and when... and why
Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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re: why a hobbit

Postby A#minor » October 21st, 2005, 4:35 pm

:shocked: I'm stunned. How did you....? Never mind, I don't think my puny brain could comprehend the lofty genius that arrived at that conclusion, although you do explain it very well.

Actually, although the rest is heresy, I like the idea of hobbits, the creation of evil Morgoth, being the ones who eventually bring the downfall of his servant Sauron. So something that evil created stands up and destroys the evil.
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Re: re: why a hobbit

Postby Erekose » October 21st, 2005, 4:50 pm

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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re: why a hobbit

Postby Leslie » October 21st, 2005, 5:18 pm

"What are you laughing at?"
"At myself. My little puny self," said Phillipa.
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re: why a hobbit

Postby Erekose » October 21st, 2005, 5:22 pm

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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re: why a hobbit

Postby Leslie » October 21st, 2005, 5:43 pm

"What are you laughing at?"
"At myself. My little puny self," said Phillipa.
--Rumer Godden, In This House of Brede
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re: why a hobbit

Postby Erekose » October 21st, 2005, 5:48 pm

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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Re: re: why a hobbit

Postby magpie » October 24th, 2005, 4:05 pm

"Love is the will to extend one's self in order to nurture one's own or another's spiritual growth."
M. Scott Peck

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re: why a hobbit

Postby A#minor » October 24th, 2005, 6:55 pm

"My brain and this world don't fit each other, and there's an end of it!" - G.K. Chesterton
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