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101 Things We Learned--reprise

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101 Things We Learned--reprise

Postby Ticket2theMoon » December 1st, 2007, 7:57 pm

I ran across these while looking around for something else. It is the "101 things we learned in Narnia" thread compiled and cleaned up. The book each one comes from is listed after it using the usual abbreviations. You'll notice we ended up with a few extra for good measure, even after I deleted the repeats.


1. Justice and forgiveness go hand in hand. LWW
2. It is never wise to shut oneself inside a wardrobe. LWW
3. A "torch" means something different in England than it does in the US. PC
4. Even a dead dragon’s cave is dangerous. VDT
5. To invite a centaur over for the weekend is a serious business. What with two stomachs to feed, breakfast alone takes hours to eat. SC
6. Always remember to wipe your sword. LWW
7. A true knight never scolds like a kitchen-girl. Courteous words or hard knocks are his only language. LB
8. Trust the Signs. SC
9. Never accept Turkish Delight from ladies in sledges. LLW
10. All worlds come to an end. LB
11. One ought to be careful to choose the right door when crawling between attics. MN
12. Don't call on a god unless you're ready for him to show up. LB
13. Listen carefully if the youngest (and most truthful) says to go down the ravine. PC
14. When you're going into an unknown pool, remember to mark your own, so you can be sure to get back home safely. MN
15. Narnians invented the printing press but never bothered to form an Associated Press or newspaper (most likely would have been called The Narnian Chronicle). LWW (Mr Tumnus' reads)
16. A good skepticism of Man is healthy and normal for a Faun. LWW
17. Never forget the signs. SC
18. Being turned into a dragon will, most likely, improve your character (unless you think vegetarians have lots of character). VDT
19. Even though it hurts, only Aslan can truly cure you from your dragonish nature. VDT
20. What you do to others, the Lion will reward you with the same. HHB
21. The worst thing about sleeping outdoors is that you wake up horribly early. PC (And personal experience...)
22. The Tisroc isn't going to live forever, and we wouldn't want him to if he was. HHB
23. Never offer a marsh-wiggle even a thimble of fermented drink. SC
24. If you should come across an old lion skin floating in a pool, don't let anyone tie it on you and make you pretend to be Aslan. LB
25. Never revile mice crawling on a dead king--they just may be chewing off his bindings out of love for him. LWW
26. Don't try tree food. It may look like chocolate, but it's just dirt.
27. Heather makes a good bed. PC
28. A "How" is an old English word for "valley," i.e., Aslan's How. PC
29. You can always run a little faster, a little farther than you thought you could when you have a lion behind you. HHB
30. Eavesdropping is still eavesdropping, whether it's done by magical means or not. VDT
31. Potatoes don't grow cooked just because you plant them cooked. VDT
32. One does not ride a Centaur unless invited. PC
33. Long spears are very handy when fighting unicorns and talking beasts. LB
34. Sea serpents are really quite stupid, and will spend hours looking for you in wreckage that isn't there, while you sail away. VDT
35. Even the stars in our world are not what they appear to be made of. VDT
36. Misplaced anger and swollen pride can lead to a donkey's life; example- Rabadash the Ridiculous. HHB
37. Don't bring others to your world unless you have prepared them. We wouldn't want another incident with the witch in London again.
38. Apparently Plato is no longer taught in schools these days.
39. If you are a bully, Beware! You never know when two children, an armed king, and a lion may break through a wall of your school and beat you with the flat of their swords. SC
40. Aparantly, my grandfather lived during the time of Sherlock Holmes. MN, pg 1
41. Don't be naiive if Giants tell you they'd like to have you for their Autumn Feast. TSC
42. Never again let a crazed woman grab you by the ear. MN
43. Leave strange, magical uncles alone in their rooms. MN
44. Leave strange, magical bells alone. MN
45. Leave strange, magical, pale women in their own dimensions. MN
46. Don't play with the wolves or trust them for you may be on there menu next.
47. Sometimes, breaking an enchantment of evil will require much strength of will and you will get hurt for doing the right thing. SC
48. When on a mysterious island, don't jump into magical pools of water that turn things into gold- unless you want to be a statue. VDT
49. Aslan is not a Tame Lion.
50. Aslan isn't safe, but he's good. He's the King, I tell you!
51. You really must pay attention to the signs. SC
52. If you're in a Wardrobe with coats, and find a snowy country inside, go ahead and put on a coat; it isn't as if you are taking the coat out of the wardrobe.
53. Don't believe that you are too young or small to do great things LWW
54. Even a traitor may be forgiven, but the price paid for it will be dreadful. LWW
55. There are always consequences for actions, some mean that even years later you miss out on the complete joy of finding lost treasures. PC
56. Never suggest that Tash and Aslan are one and the same (especially to His face!) LB
57. If you hear voices, don't always take them for delusions. They just might be invisible dufflepuds. VDT
58. One Lion can be both frightening, comforting, stern and kindly. He can also appear to be several lions at once. HHB
59. Marshwiggles put a negative spin on everything. SC
60. Help does not always come in the expected form. PC
61. If you know something is the truth, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. PC (Lucy)
62. Never leave your mother alone to sleep in a secluded shady spot in the forest. She'll most likely be bitten by a huge green serpent. SC
63. Most people are dead. SC
64. The trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. MN
65. When you steal fruit for yourself, you come to hate what you desired; But if you take it for others, it will heal and bring joy. MN
66. The Old Stories talk about Aslan having whiskers, paws, and a tufted tail because He is a REAL Lion. HHB
67. If you get a sudden urge to shout "The bolt of Tash falls from above," and jump off a mounting block upon your enemies, look carefully about you for protruding hooks before jumping. In other words, Look before you Leap or you may find yourself hanging up to dry like the washing. HHB
68. Christmas isn't solely a terrestrial holiday.
69. Shedding the skin of one's old self may work on your own, for a while, but to really be rid of the dragon, one must submit to the sometimes painful, yet compassionate hand (paw) of the master. VDT
70. If a picture of a ship at sea begins to move and waves come splashing over the frame, get ready to swim! VDT
71. The Land Where Dreams Come True is not everything it's cracked up to be. VDT
72. Not all worlds are round, and you -can- come to the End. VDT
73. The entrance to Narnia may be in the house of your least-loved relations. (not quite enemies) VDT
74. If one swings a Mouse around by its tail, be prepared to face the consequences, for a Mouse's honour is a serious affair, and its tail is the source of its dignity. VDT
75. If you fall overboard fully clothed, the first thing to do is kick off your shoes! VDT
76. The hero within will never have a chance to come out if one only stays safe.
77. Little cave-gnomes are not always bad. Most likely they are just under a green witch's spell. SC
78. To the kingdom of Bism, many go down, but few return to the sunlit lands. SC
79. There are living jewels that we can only imagine, for the ones we see are dead. SC
80. When one is tired, hungry, lost and frustrated, that is when they are most vunerable to false direction and deliberate danger. SC
81. Sometimes the signs we need to be looking for are right "under" us the whole time, we are just too concerned about ourselves to see them. SC
82. The whole reason for Narnia is that by knowing Aslan a little bit there, we can know him better here. VDT
83. If you feel sufficient to take up a kingship, that is proof that you are not sufficient. But if you feel inadequate, you will most likely be very adequate for the job. PC
84. Never throw stones at stray cats. HHB
85. A foreign prince may act nicely when he visits you, but remember that you must see the bear in his own den before judging his character. HHB
86. Be careful what you do, or you could become dumb and witless as other beasts. (MN & LB)
87. The Talking Horses in Narnia really don't care two lumps of sugar whether you roll in the grass or not, and if you were a sensible horse like Hwin you would realize that! HHB
88. It is considered poor etiquette to ride a talking horse in normal circumstances. HHB
89. When walking in foreign northern lands, be wary of large misshapen rocks or boulders. They may in fact be giants. SC
90. There will ALWAYS be an EE if the movie did well. :-)
91. Giants are not very clever, but they look impressive if they will only keep quiet. PC
92. Bears have a right to be Marshalls of the Lists, but since they suck their paws, they end up looking rather silly while doing the job. PC
93. It is a Centaur's province to watch the skies and interpret the stars, just as it is a Talking Badger's character to remember, to always remember. PC
94. If you can't find the witch and dwarf you're looking for, check the rocks and stumps before you give up. LLW
95. There are two kinds of dwarves: Black Dwarves and Red Dwarves. The Black Dwarves have black hair and beards, the Red Dwarves have red hair and beards. And the Black Dwarves seem a little edgy in comparison to their brothers.
96. When you are crossing a desert on your way to Archenland, remember that all that about galloping for a day and a night, like in stories, can't really be done. It must be walk and trot: but brisk trots and short walks. And whenever you walk the humans must slip off and walk too. HHB
97. Old and gray dwarves tend to be (although, they might not realize it) humorous (especially if their hearing is going). SC
98. Don't sleep in your saddle HHHB
99. If you do not believe Aslan is there, because you cannot see him — it might be that you cannot see him because you do not believe he is there. PC
100. Aslan's breath is truly the sweetest thing one could ever experience. SC
101. No one is ever told what would have happened. VDT
102. Redemption comes at a great price, but it would not be paid if it was not seen as worth it.
103. A purpose-filled life means taking the adventure Aslan sends us.
104. Aslan's instructions always work, but the air is thicker down here and it's not as easy to remember them... we must be vigilent in our efforts to follow His path. SC

It is with words as with sunbeams, the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. --Robert Southey (1774-1843)

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Postby Danman » December 1st, 2007, 9:33 pm

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me, Beloved, me who am but as a dog---" Emeth.
And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; But the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them.
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Postby A#minor » December 2nd, 2007, 3:37 am

"My brain and this world don't fit each other, and there's an end of it!" - G.K. Chesterton
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Postby David Jack » December 2nd, 2007, 4:10 am

"This is and has been the Father’s work from the beginning-to bring us into the home of His heart.” George MacDonald.
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Postby carol » December 3rd, 2007, 9:08 am

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Postby Ticket2theMoon » December 3rd, 2007, 6:25 pm


It is with words as with sunbeams, the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. --Robert Southey (1774-1843)

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Postby A#minor » December 4th, 2007, 12:30 am

"My brain and this world don't fit each other, and there's an end of it!" - G.K. Chesterton
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