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Nicer than Prunaprismia...

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Nicer than Prunaprismia...

Postby Mornamoice » May 17th, 2008, 6:53 am

As we watched the credits for Prince Caspian roll, the woman sitting next to me leant over and asked in a pleasant British accent, "So... what did you think of Prince Caspian?" I told her that I thought it was really good... that I did prefer the book and had been worried they would change too much, but that it had worked pretty well... and then she clarified. "What did you think of the actor who played Prince Caspian? Do you think he was good?" I think he did a great job, so I said so.

She asked my kids what they thought, too. Of course, they all loved the movie. Daniel said he thought the actor was an awesome sword fighter. After they had gushed about him a little, the woman lowered her voice and explained to me, "I'm his aunt. I just wanted to find out what people thought of him."

She was a lovely lady altogether. I asked if she thought that her nephew might possibly send us an autograph if I gave her our address, and she said she thought she could arrange that. Then she asked if the kids (only the girls at this point... hubby and Daniel had gone on to see the props by then) would send him a message. We found a quiet spot and she videotaped the girls saying hi to Prince Caspian. Katie was blushing and a bit giggly. She was willing to tell him hello and that he was a great actor, but would not say what she had been telling me earlier, that he is "really cute!" Elizabeth (age 8, but she looks 6), has no such inhibitions. She got very chatty and told him he was cute, then blurted out to the aunt, "Give him a kiss for me!" She was so cute I just about lost it at that.

Anyway, that experience was so much fun, it was the perfect culmination of the evening.
Thank you for the pix, A# Minor!
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Location: Southern California

Postby Gina » May 17th, 2008, 5:55 pm

"The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing; but in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture." ~ Doug Phillips
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