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Narnia Films Ending After Dawn Treader??

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Postby repectabiggle » May 14th, 2008, 7:56 pm

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Postby CaspiansQueen » May 24th, 2008, 10:49 pm

And after all Lucy ,Edmund, and Young Caspian are only in it for one more and Briefly in the last battle in whch they are grown up!! oh and of course The Horse And His Boy in which they are also grown up !! They will be getting new kids for Pole and Scrubb and Also Digory and Polly  !! In SC Caspian is like 70 and rilian would be a totally new charecter along with Pole and Puddleglum !! Oops I rather forgot myself !! In SC Caspian is young again for a brief moment in the end !! But don't bother with that I mean Barnes is 22 and he looks 18 !! Movie Makeup is a magic in it's own !!

Postby glumPuddle » October 15th, 2008, 3:46 am

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