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Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

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Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Glorfindel of Gondolin » December 27th, 2005, 4:12 am

I've seen the topic discussed on a Tolkien forum that I am a member of (Council of Elrond, it's a great site :) ), but I'd like to see how discussion flows on a Lewis forum. So, which do you like better: the Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's other tales of Arda, or the Chronicles of Narnia? Why?

Tolkien fans tend to appreciate how very complete Arda is; the solid languages exist, the long history, and many details about people, places, and customs. I am much more of a Tolkien fan myself, and I think that people who favor the Chronicles like the light nature of the stories.

I understand this could be considered a topic for the Tolkien section, but I'd like to hear opinions from anyone who has read both authors' works, especially those who favor Lewis.
Last edited by Glorfindel of Gondolin on December 29th, 2005, 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby A#minor » December 27th, 2005, 5:07 am

I have to say that most of the time I like Tolkien better, mostly for the reasons you mentioned. Tolkien's world is more solid and developed, and there is more available to read about Middle-earth than there is about Narnia.

However, the reason that I first liked Tolkien's work was only because it reminded me so much of Lewis' work. The first time I read the Hobbit, I liked it b/c it reminded me of CON. However, now that I'm older, I like Narnia b/c it reminds me of Middle-earth.
My love for Narnia led me into a love for Middle-earth, but now the places are switched.

Of course, LOTR and Silmarillion etc.. are written more towards adults, while CON is written for children, which accounts for my liking Tolkien's work more now that I'm older.

CON is wonderful and perfect for reading aloud to children especially, so I read those books more often than LOTR. LOTR and the Sil. are too deep to read any old time. You have to plan, "I'm going to take these 5 days off and read LOTR, and do nothing else." Whereas CON can be read whenever. As you said, it is much lighter.

If I'm reading for myself, I'd rather read LOTR. If I'm reading to someone (which I do a great deal), I'd read CON. (I love to see their faces when I read about Lucy finding that lampost, or Eustace being turned into a dragon. :pleased: ) It's difficult to read LOTR aloud.

If I had to make a list of pros and cons, I don't really know which writings would win. I love them both! :read:
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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Mornamoice » December 27th, 2005, 6:01 am

Thank you for the pix, A# Minor!
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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby john » December 27th, 2005, 9:44 am

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Re: re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Solomons Song » December 27th, 2005, 1:23 pm

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Genie » December 27th, 2005, 1:51 pm

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby calliope_queene » December 27th, 2005, 3:03 pm

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Re: re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby A#minor » December 27th, 2005, 3:58 pm

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby King Peter » December 28th, 2005, 1:11 am

This reminds me a funny conversation a heard today between a little child and his father. I went today to see the Narnia movie for the second time and afterwards overheard this little kid talking about it. He was obviously pretty wound up, talking about a mile a minute about how cool the movie was and that it was just like the Lord of the Rings--except for this, and except for that, etc. The characters were different, and the bad guys were different, and they weren't trying to destroy a ring, and so on and so forth.

I guess you had to be there, but it was funny. :)
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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby A#minor » December 28th, 2005, 1:20 am

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Re: re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby wood-maid » December 28th, 2005, 4:29 am

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Edisonbaggins » December 28th, 2005, 7:20 pm

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Erekose » December 28th, 2005, 8:05 pm

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Bill » December 28th, 2005, 10:56 pm

I can pick up one of the Chronicles of Narnia any time if I have a mind to, BUT I only embark on the The Lord of the Rings after very careful thought of what I am starting!

Having said that I HAVE read LOTR quite a number of times, the latest being earlier this year.

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re: Narnia vs. Tolkien: Which is better?

Postby Glorfindel of Gondolin » December 29th, 2005, 3:26 am

Then said Littleheart son of Bronweg: "Alas for Gondolin."
And no one in the Room of Logs spake or moved for a great while.
Pro published order! Poster of The Wardrobe's 40,000th post. That earns no merit, but I feel pretty cool about it anyway.
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