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First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

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First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Erekose » January 2nd, 2006, 9:41 am

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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Elentari » January 2nd, 2006, 11:27 am

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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Erekose » January 2nd, 2006, 11:37 am

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Elentari » January 2nd, 2006, 11:58 am

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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Erekose » January 2nd, 2006, 12:08 pm

I touched on the "Lillith" concept in my previous heresies.

One must remember that the "origins of Jadis" are hidden in the depths of Time to the Narnians of LWW.

Their mythologies would have arisin mainly from the knowledge of Earth Mythologies and Biblical Teachings of the Pios King Frank and his Wife (sorry can never remember her name.. have a mental block there)

My original postulate was that the descent from Lillith would be used as a term of derision by the Loyal (Underground) Narnians.

As to be being the last oif the Royal House. That isn't necessarily so. As I "extrapolated" as a way of explaining the precence of three people of "fairy blood" one of whom was the "great(-ish) Aunt of Uncle Andrew.

If you wish to have your mind blown away by the Grand Unified Heresies of Erekose.. there is a (somewhat untidy, as it is sourced from the older forum which had threaded discussions which lent itself to this sort of thing better), located .. here --->

There are also a couple of additional Heresies doddted around the Chronicles forum too (such as The Great Train Accident)
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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Elentari » January 2nd, 2006, 12:20 pm

Maybe I ought to have rephrased that -- the last ruling member of that family -- not at all excluding your Lefay = sister thing.

I'd also read your other heresies, but not carefully, and didn't notice the bit about Lilith. (It's getting rather late over here!)

So, where did Jadis and the rest of the rulers of Charn come from? And how do they fit into your Earth-is-central idea? Or have you a heresy on that yet? ^_^ And how far back then would you place the beginning of Charn on our world's timeline? Earlier of course than Mrs. Lefay.

Keeping the whole world-hopping in the family, some distant Pevensie or Kirke ancestor?
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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Erekose » January 2nd, 2006, 12:27 pm

My "Grand Heresy".. and thats all it is..

Charn was populated by Anglisied Brits at the time of the withdrawal of Roman occupation from Britain.

Time on Charn is like time on Narnia.

The Royal line of Charn allowed Power to Corrupt.

And yes.. in my "Grand Unified Heresy", the Penvesis are decended from the Royal house (by way of Mrs Lefay)

Which to my mind (pure personal viewpoint) achieves a certain balance. Especially with Susan still being alive, and in possesion of the Rings
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Re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby ilja » January 2nd, 2006, 3:49 pm

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re: First Heresies of 2006? Of crutches and Turkish Delight

Postby Erekose » January 2nd, 2006, 4:27 pm

Call yourself a dog???? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!!!
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