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I have a new conspiracy theory

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I have a new conspiracy theory

Postby jcfreak89 » March 27th, 2009, 2:36 am

OK, so think about this. We serve a big God who is much bigger than we are, right? There was also a humongous wardrobe in C.S. Lewis' house and he ironically wrote the books in approximately the same amount of time it would have taken for everything to happen. Right now you guys are probably lost right? Well, just hang with me, cuz this is awesome! The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was supposed to have happened during WWII, so the 4 kids come to a single, professor's house in the country to stay safe, which has a wardrobe with a magical land inside and the professor intimates that he's been there himself. So, let's say that this occurs in about 1944. In our time, if you add it all up, the adventures take approximately 6 years (excluding the Magician's Nephew of course). Which is the same amount of time Jack took to write the books. Seeing where I'm going with this? I am introducing the conspiracy theory that the Chronicles of Narnia really happened and the God we call Jehovah or Jesus Christ is just another name, in our world, for Aslan. God the Father often states that he is the the lion and the lamb. We serve a big God and we can never know what may have happened or what may not have happened, but I choose to believe that it did. Still not believing it? Well, the other thing to think about is that Jack's mother died of cancer when he was a teenager. Look at Diggory's mom. We never hear what happens to her later in Diggory's life. When Jack was young he had to move in with family members who lived in the country, because his mom was sick. I think Jack was Diggory and wrote all about they're adventures. I'm sure you guys have comments so please let me hear them. Thanks.
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Re: I have a new conspiracy theory

Postby carol » March 27th, 2009, 10:00 am

There are several flaws in your idea, not least the dates, locations, and circumstances of Jack's mother's death. (He was just a child when she died, and he and his brother stayed with their dad in their house just on the outskirts of Belfast- these are well documented facts, so how could you expect anyone to co-conspire into changing them?)

However, for the basic idea that there is a major Christian truth underlying the stories - you are right!

Jack wrote the stories to give children (or adults) a sense of the excitement, joy and wonder that are part of a life lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He didn't write them as Sunday School 'allegories for kids', but decent books in their own right.

If you know the Bible, or know Jesus, you will find a lot that reminds you of them in Narnia.
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Re: I have a new conspiracy theory

Postby The Quangle Wangle » March 27th, 2009, 4:35 pm

'It is the Co-operative Cauliflower!' exclaimed the Quangle-Wangle softly in a loud voice.
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Re: I have a new conspiracy theory

Postby carol » March 28th, 2009, 9:58 am

MY Narnia theory? No, just the standard understanding based on what Lewis himself said (as printed in plenty of places - this site is a great place to find some of them).

They all end up 'dead and in heaven' [excluding Susan who is given another chance in life to return to her faith in the Lion as He is known in our world] - due to an event at a Railway Station in our world, the seven Friends of Narnia and the Pevensie parents die at the same time, and experience the end of the world of Narnia before entering Heaven depicted in terms of the Narnian experience. In some ways the end of Narnia is a picture of what the Bible says will happen to our own world.

Why is that a problem?
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Re: I have a new conspiracy theory

Postby The Quangle Wangle » March 29th, 2009, 4:56 pm

'It is the Co-operative Cauliflower!' exclaimed the Quangle-Wangle softly in a loud voice.
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Re: I have a new conspiracy theory

Postby jcfreak89 » March 29th, 2009, 6:34 pm

I mean, if I were to hold true to what I'm saying, I might say that The Last Battle is not a part of the story of what actually happened, but what Jack thought might happen in the end. I just think that I'm going to faint if I get up to Heaven and there stands Aslan. Just thinking of it now makes my eyes water and my heart leap. Again this may all be completely untrue and C.S. Lewis might just have an amazing imagination, but we can never know for sure until we get to Heaven. For me it just makes me a little more impatient to find out. However, I'm not going to kill myself to find out, that would be stupid. LOL! I have a very vivid imagination, so for me to believe something like this is not a stretch. thanks for the comments, I'm glad someone else sees where it might be plausible. :smile:
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