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Pregnancy from rape

re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » September 28th, 2006, 3:53 am

Ok answering questions, then providing a response. To Jo, let us say that i am in my early 20's, a fellow board member AllanS, was actually my high school science teacher.

To hana, and in part a response. Death, by suicide will always improve the situation. If one simply gives up the will to live, who are we to say that it is selfish and not improve the situation. The worth of ones life to ones self, is just that it depends on ones self. NO one else should influence ones value of ones life, and no spiritual ideals should either.

Suicide has always been a valid option through all societies, the stoics in Ancient Greece supported it, the Japanese committed ritual suicide, " seppuku ". And in some cases, Hindus permit suicide by starving. Especially in Nordic sagas, the only valid death was in battle, and dying of old age, was frowned upon, and one could not really participate in the great feat in valhalla if one did not die in battle.

The discussion is intrestinf, please let in continue, i had to actually sit and think and consider before writtting my response. If anyone can some up with any other reasons that suicide is not a valid and good way to die. And that dieing of old age is somehow good, please post.

N.B: Many, many people say that I am an old soul in a young body. If anyone can quote any medieval theology or texts that I should read concerning suicide, or not etc go ahead. I would be very interested. Heck, suicide was valid way to die in most dualist heresies in the 13th century, just go and read about the Cathars.
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Re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby CoinOperatedChristian » September 28th, 2006, 6:14 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby hana » September 29th, 2006, 3:37 am

Authur wrote:

"To hana, and in part a response. Death, by suicide will always improve the situation. If one simply gives up the will to live, who are we to say that it is selfish and not improve the situation. The worth of ones life to ones self, is just that it depends on ones self. NO one else should influence ones value of ones life, and no spiritual ideals should either."

Will you post supporting statements for sentences #2, #4, and #5?

Also, death in battle is not necessarily suicide.

previously on the list as hapahana/hanachiyo/hannah. joined in early '99.
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » October 1st, 2006, 3:14 am

Hello hana, sorry I took so long to reply, daylight savings, and uni really have me busy and tired.

OK. supporting statements. "Death will always improve the situation". Well firstly by empirical evidence this seems quite obvious. If you are in an abusive household, starving to death, or in a situation with no money, and no way to get anymore. Death will release you from these earthy things. Also if your life has no meaning, and you have no job at the age of 30, no money and have failed uni. Well suicide will always improve the situation.

By definition selfish is "devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others." Ok i would say now that suicide is selfish, however i do not see anything wrong with that. The world teaches us to be selfish, to earn lots of money, to only care about ourselves, and that nobody else matters.

I see nothing wrong about being selfish, and if causing yourself death is selfish, then I don't really care about that.

Ones life is ones own. Spiritual hierarchies and people should not influence your views on life. If a certain church says that suicide is wrong, then you shouldn't care, if you consider it a valid option, then you should not have to reconsider it in the face of new opinion. If a councillor, or friend considers suicide wrong, then ignore them or tell them your opinion, if you have formed an opinion by reasoning, logic, or just hold the opinion with no valid basis, then you should not give it up. Free thought is just that, being able to think what you want, and nobody else trying to change your mind.

Also mentioning death in battle i was not trying to highlight suicide, but dying at a young age, and that dying old and not in battle was considered shameful.

I will try and find better quotes to back up my arguments, but the above is just my personal reasoning.

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Pizza Man » October 2nd, 2006, 12:31 am

Last edited by Pizza Man on October 2nd, 2006, 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » October 2nd, 2006, 1:17 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Pizza Man » October 2nd, 2006, 2:51 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Pizza Man » October 2nd, 2006, 2:53 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Pizza Man » October 2nd, 2006, 3:22 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » October 2nd, 2006, 3:43 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Pizza Man » October 2nd, 2006, 3:57 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby hana » October 2nd, 2006, 4:40 am

previously on the list as hapahana/hanachiyo/hannah. joined in early '99.
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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby wingedllama » October 2nd, 2006, 5:13 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Authur » October 2nd, 2006, 6:16 am

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re: Pregnancy from rape

Postby Pizza Man » October 2nd, 2006, 7:16 pm

Ah, so then death doesn't always improve the situation, huh? :wink:
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