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Postby Lioba » May 26th, 2008, 11:03 am

Temperance deals with our basic needs and desires.
Their are the instincts as hunger, thirst, sexuality, aggression.
Their are the emotions and the thinking, that is interested in knowing and understanding the world.
Both thomas and Pieper remind us, that all this aspects of human life exist from the very beginning itself, when God says-Everything is good.
So all these things are meant to be good too.
Any Spirituality, that condemns them principally, is not originally Christian, but is to be seen as heretic. But after paradise those gifts were perverted or brought into disorder. Temperance is focussed on the good order of our desires and attitudes.
We can fail in two ways-
1.having no good measure and/or becoming overwhelmed in concrete situations without giving up the principal value of a well orderd life and -as chtistians- the primacy of god in our lives.
2. totally denying the demands of temperance by willingly and constantly putting our greed over the love of God and the Good.

The first can happens to most of us, it will be forgiven, when we repent and we can learn to do better step by step, until we become more and more free from our impulsivness. On this way we learn to enjoy the freedom of ruling our needs instead of being driven by them.
So we can be really ourselves, the person that we are meant to be.
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Postby Lioba » May 26th, 2008, 11:09 am

the second way of missing temperance is much more serious-here not human weekness is the point, but the problem lies in a selfishness, that makes the ego to an idol-when a person is not seriously changing it´s mind it might loose everything.
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Postby Lioba » June 3rd, 2008, 9:28 am

Okay, my little thougts about the classical virtues-as far as I could explain them in English. Sure their is a lot more to say about it- but My intention was just to give a few impressions .Are their points, someone wishes to add or discuss?
Otherwise here I will end my hardest English lesson and say thanks to everyone who helped me with thoughts, suggestions, links and translation.
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Postby Ben2747 » June 3rd, 2008, 1:44 pm

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Postby Lioba » June 3rd, 2008, 8:17 pm

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Postby Ben2747 » June 3rd, 2008, 8:51 pm

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Postby Lioba » June 5th, 2008, 7:50 am

Ben: I saw the word harlot in the same symbolic way as you.Every gift of God misused ore neglected becomes a problem.
Reason for example set as Absolute is no more reason- remember the story of the french revolution. some people sat a naked woman on an church- altar and declared her Goddess of Reason.
Very reasonable to kill a stupid king for getting a bloodthirsty emperor.
OkayGermany wasn´t even worse changing an unable emperor for a crazy dictator.
I can see no problem in natural philosophy- the problem is, that some just start with the attitude to show, their is no God.True philosopy like true science must start without any thing fixed.
I am afraid, it was not only Luther who made problems- and partly I understand him- not every scholastic was a Thomas. Their were - and always are deep spiritual and practical needs in the life of the people and you can´t answer them all with elusive reflections.
I think, his problems were with the difficult aspects of scholasticisme- everything was cleared trough discussions and the one who´s arguments sounded best, had the best chances to win.
It´s a bit like politics- someone sounds good, but deep in your heart you feel, their is something foul.
Their is wisdom and knowledge, that go beyond reason and they sometimes are silenced not by true reason , but by eloquent intelectualisme.
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Postby Lioba » June 5th, 2008, 7:50 am

Hmm. anyone intersted ion discussing the christian virtues-not me this time , would like to sit back, relax and read. :toothy-grin:
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Postby Lioba » June 19th, 2008, 8:06 am

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Postby Ben2747 » June 19th, 2008, 12:14 pm

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Postby Lioba » June 20th, 2008, 8:44 am

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Postby loren » June 20th, 2008, 9:55 pm

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Postby Lioba » June 21st, 2008, 3:11 pm

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Postby cyranorox » July 1st, 2008, 3:26 pm

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Postby Lioba » July 7th, 2008, 11:32 am

Cyranox- so I can plan a new reading schedule for autumn- summer is a very busy time, the children having holidays, which means having their friends as guests rather often and a lot to do in the garden- What I like is the idea of the connection between virtue and friendship. What´s sometimes a bit hard is the prejudice of mot of those authors that women aren´t fit for both- but then i can comfort myself with the thougt, that Jesus has a different point of view.
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