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Narnia and the occult??

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Narnia and the occult??

Postby Biff » May 13th, 2006, 12:55 am

Has anyone seen this site... It makes me really sad!!

Not that i believe what they write though...
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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Mary » May 13th, 2006, 1:33 am

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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby VixenMage » May 13th, 2006, 2:22 am

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Re: re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Biff » May 13th, 2006, 2:27 am

"With hindsight perhaps it wasn't a good idea, oh well must be my hind cataracts..." Prof H.J. Farnsworth

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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Esther » May 13th, 2006, 2:43 am

It's amazing that they can have read so much of Lewis (and of Scripture, for that matter) and yet completely miss the spirit of what he is trying to communitcate. Claiming that the allegorical nature of the Chronicles is evidence that he was ashamed of the gospel when he had already written a book called Mere CHRISITANITY?!?!? Come on!

I'm not even going to try to respond to the rest of it.
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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby A#minor » May 13th, 2006, 3:02 am

:angry: Some people are so idiotic. I couldn't read the whole thing either.
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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Lirenel » May 13th, 2006, 3:06 am

I'm reading the section on the Chronicles of Narnia, and it's getting ridiculous. Lewis part of the whole "Da Vinci Code"-Jesus-married-Mary-Magdalene so-called conspiracy? And apparently Lewis is evil because he liked a pub that had an inn-sign that showed the myth of Ganymede/Zeus which obviously means Lewis was a Satanist!

Though I did read something interesting. Jeewhiz is apparently a shortened version of "Jesus' whiskers". Whether this is true or not, I'm not sure (not that I really trust this site to tell me the truth).
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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby VixenMage » May 13th, 2006, 4:27 am

I just love how all allegories have to mean that the author is ashamed of the Gospel. What, do they want him to just publish a carbon-copy of the Gospel and claim it as his own?

And since when are Catholics not Christians?

But one thing that was grating on my nerves like anything was the fact that 50% of their argument against TCoN seems to be "Lewis is trying to corrupt the youth with alcohol and drugs!"

Jesus turned water into wine at weddings. So why is it sinful that Aslan gave wine to his followers? *sigh* Their logic is backwards, and it's giving me such a headache... And their campaign on Puddleglum smoking hashish... :angry: I kind of wondered if they were doing any research whatsoever on anything! Also, it's apparently sinful that the sailors cheered over rum. ...*sigh*

There are no words to describe this. :cuss:
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Re: re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Biff » May 13th, 2006, 4:32 am

"With hindsight perhaps it wasn't a good idea, oh well must be my hind cataracts..." Prof H.J. Farnsworth

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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby bekados » May 13th, 2006, 5:08 am

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Re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby carol » May 13th, 2006, 5:09 am

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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby sled » May 13th, 2006, 5:48 am

i'm sorry i caint even read that link, i am not religous and i should read to give this Mary Van Nattan an chance at understanding what she is saying. But unfortunately i feel she is insane and is part of a hate group with her ideology of who is going to hell and who isn't. I am sad that childrens books(works of fiction) have people over analyzing it. It is in fact fiction, fiction with a purpose maybe? Maybe getting young people to read? Maybe influencing young people to have good manners? Yes the is a mixture of all kinds of influences and maybe the message isn't so much religous, but about being a good person. Well i'm on Mr Lewis's side beause i don't find 1 once of hate in anything i have ever read that has been written by him. and i think that a true sin is that there ar people out there that use God or the bible to to justify there hate and intolerance for anyone who is different or doesn/t agree with them.
all gramer and spelling mistake are mine own

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Re: re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Esther » May 13th, 2006, 6:25 am

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re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby The Bigsleep J » May 13th, 2006, 7:30 am

Aaah, the nostalgia.

Back when I joined the Wardrobe in 2002 I posted a link to that very article! Same graphics and everything (though the text-style had been revised to look more 'professional' I see). Except back then the site was known as Balaam's Ass. Someone on the 'Drobe (Stanley Anderson, I think) pointed out that every few months someone posts this link shocked as everyone who reads if for the first time. :/

Edit: I just want you to know, Biff, that I'm not making fun of you, but I am amused that history is sort of repeating itself. ;)

The site is definitely not Christian, mostly because of its judgmental attitude towards other denominations, Lewis, Tolkien, Joy Gresham and fantasy (although the other day I saw a site that used a quote by CS Lewis to prove that Christ was a false prophet, believe it or not). I can remember that Jack Chick also at one stage declared Lewis and Tolkien to be occultists, but he later changed his condemning tract to exclude their names.

Anyway, this site makes me sad because reading Lewis' works have brought me closer to God than my puritan inclinations (which the site advocates) have.
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Re: re: Narnia and the occult??

Postby Monica » May 13th, 2006, 1:21 pm

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