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Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

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Re: re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!

Postby Larry W. » May 13th, 2006, 9:00 pm

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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby Carpe Diem » May 14th, 2006, 5:15 am

One of the things that I have noticed is that this thread seems entirely devoid of love. Have we really shown Walking Eagle who Christians are? She obviously isn't willing to debate. And perhaps she was so busy screaming at us that she couldn't have heard anything else either. But in any case, more so than logical arguments, we must defend our Jesus in love. To WE, if you are still here: do you know me? Do say that all Christians hate the world, that we are all evil. Do you really know us though? I'm sorry for all of the bad ones who pretend to stand for Jesus, but in reality belong to satan (hmm.. Emeth and Aslan; dwarves and Tash... how fitting). But what Jesus is about is loving. He said yeah- this world is going to Hell and a handbacket right now. Yep... it all sucks. Yep- look at you Jewish leaders- you Pharisees. He called them hypocrites and got mad at them. One day He even drove the people selling stuff out of the temple (getting reid of the commercialism from Christianity, perhaps?) Jesus was all for practical solutions. He healed a man's hand on a Sunday in front of the synogogue, and when the Jewish leaders got mad at Him, He said something to the effect of, "This is the Lrod's day. Would it be better for mne to do good or to do evil." You, WE, are looking for an answer to the problems of the world. Will genetic engineering really work? You remind me of the Jews. The main difference between Judaism and Christianity is that the Jews are still looking for their savior. I think that you are in the same boat. You want society/the world to be fixed. Isn't that what Jesus wanted too? Except you can't do it. You cannot fix this world by yourself.

Jesus made a few claims. One of them was pretty big: He said He was God Himself. Now we either, as Lewis says, have to reject that or except that. If we reject it, we say He was a collassal liar, or a complete madman. That is possible. However, anything else means that He was indeed God. If the craziness of this world is to be solved, would it be unreasonable to assume that God is the only one that can fix it. Ah, but it isn't fixed yet- it's only worse. Well yes, but for it to be fixed, we have to be on board. Jesus lived a perfect life- He didn't kill or rape anyone, He didn't steal, lie, etc. Do you have any evidence He messed up? Then He died. HE was crucified by people screaming the same words you are- about how humanity is so bad, and how dare He call Himself God. But then the bible says He rose again. You can accept or reject it. But there was no reason for the early Christians to make that up. Many of them were put to death; most of them were persecuted. If they really knew it was a lie, why would they hold to it even in the face of economic loss or death? That would be foolishness. And the outcome is that Jesus died, and in His death, becuase HE was perfect, He had the solution to the world's problems. All we have to do is buy into His life, and the evil nature in us will be crucified with Christ.

Not all people who call themselves Christians are true Chirstians. To be a CHristians, you must have chosen and accepted Christ as savior. Most true Christians I know do not do the terrible things that you say they do.


The thing this all comes down to is love. DO you have love in your life? You don't sound like it on here. All that comes out to me is pain and anger. Christ came to bring God's love and redemption. The reason I am a Christian is because God loves me. "...Because He first loved us." You mentioned, WE, in one of your posts that Jehova never actually came down and said He did. What are you expecting? Him to assume a body.. hmm.. that was Jesus. Him to shout down.. He talked to Moses. And He talks to me. Every day, when I'm willing to listen. You see, CHRISTIANITY IS NOT ABOUT POLITICAL VIEWS, CODES OF RULES, RITUALS, AND HISTORY. It is about a personal relationship with our savior, Jesus. It as about a relationship of love.

I do not believe because I hope to change the world. I believe because I love Him, and He loves me. Wanting to change the world is a product of His love.

So WE, consider what I've said. Let Jesus take your pain away. You both have the same goals.. but He has the power to accomplish them. Call out to Him, find out more. Because what if you're wrong? No, I will not throw Hell in your face- it sounds like too many people have already done that. But what would it feel like to get to the end of your life, and realize that you wasted it, and realize that you are only and angry, bitter old woman?

I don't have a personal agenda in trying to sell you Christianity. There's no benefit to me whether you curse me and move on, or choose to search more. I only want to make the truth that was given to me clear to you also. I want to share, and I want to make this world better. So forgive me, as one of many Christians, who has made mistakes. I make blunders all the time, and sometimes i really hrut people. But I am learning to walk in the grace of Jesus. See, grace is an overused phrase- it's a church catch phrase. But it means that He sees me mess up, and then He pickes me up and shows me how to do right, and gives me the power/strength to do so.

Let us all remember how we came ot believe, and what is really at stake. Ideas and reasoning are good, but Jesus is bigger than that. He was a great logician, but His true motives were driven by love.

I hope, WE, that I have offered a glimpse of the true Jesus that is so often obscured by lies about modern Christianity. If you disagree, I can respect that- as Jesus said when He sent His disciples out- "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that town." (Matt 10:14) We are to be peaceful and accepting of nonbelief. If God is truly sovereign, then He can speak and change hearts. We still have to spread the news, however, because He generally uses peopel to convey such a message.

Sorry for the long post, but I think these are things that needed to be said/remembered. Let this forum stand for the love of Christ, not simply dead ideas and debate.
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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby Pete » May 14th, 2006, 2:50 pm

Carpe Diem, I second your post on most fronts, except for on two fronts, firstly, those of us who have replied to Walking Eagle haven't necessarily been devoid of love, nor throwing hell in WE's face, I think those two comments are slightly too harsh.

I personally had been going to post a reply to Walking Eagle, but rusmeister wisely pointed out that debate would, in all honesty lead nowhere. We - like you, want to see WE know the Truth that is Jesus Christ, and that's why I shall continue to pray for WE despite her suggestion that I don't need to pray for her.

Anyway, like I said, I say a hearty AMEN to the rest of your post, and I sincerely hope and pray Walking Eagle does read it with open eyes and an open heart.
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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby rusmeister » May 14th, 2006, 2:53 pm

Hi Carpe,
I completely respect the idea behind your post. Love is so important.
One little thing - the key word in your first statement is "seems". On electronic forums, especially where people don't know each other, our naked words seem much stronger and more aggressive. I eventually figured out that other people here aren't being as aggressive as they often "seem", even those like WE. It IS critical, I quite agree, that we strive to be particularly careful not to offend others. Communicating love through this medium is extraordinarily difficult, I think.

WE, however, completely failed to respond to fairly basic questions, simply posting his/her own beliefs, and showed a complete unwillingness to open up and listen to how others, including myself, tried to respond. I am no priest and certainly no saint, so all I would say is that we should pray for WE, because surely the state of mind described is a very unhappy one. I am all too familiar with a an essentially atheistic belief that sees the world spiralling towards destruction and holds no hope, in this life or for anything beyond this life. The worst thing is that a little bit of education only tends to reinforce that. When you go the intellectual route, then you certainly need love, but until reason caves in, you're not going to acknowledge God(ie, you need a lot more education). That's how things went for me in my own life, and that's why I suggested Lewis, Schmemann or GK Chesterton for contemporary intellectual defense of faith. Other than that, all we can do here is pray that such people find love in the world. (I remember S.R. Donaldson's line from "The Wounded Land" - "There is also love in the world.") So those of you who want to join me in putting (her?) on your prayer lists, let's get to it!
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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby Carpe Diem » May 14th, 2006, 7:27 pm

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby Carpe Diem » May 14th, 2006, 7:37 pm

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby WalkingEagle » May 15th, 2006, 8:40 pm

C.S. Lewis just knew that the entire world has fallen down the rabbit hole. How deep? No one WANTS to know.
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re: Emeth gets into Heaven- Aslan's Startling Response!!!

Postby Sven » May 15th, 2006, 8:43 pm

Rat! he found breath to whisper, shaking. Are you afraid?
Afraid? murmured the Rat, his eyes shining with unutterable love.
Afraid! Of Him? O, never, never! And yet -- and yet -- O, Mole, I am afraid!
Then the two animals, crouching to the earth, bowed their heads and did worship.
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